Jeme Tien Yow(Chinese:詹天佑; pinyin: Zhān Tiānyòu; previously romanized as Jeme Tien Yow)(26 April 1861– 24 April 1919) was a distinguished Chinese railroad engineer. He was educated in the United States of America and was the Chief Engineer responsible for construction of the Imperial Peking-Kalgan Railway(Beijing to Zhangjiakou), the first railway constructed in China without foreign assistance.
Jeme was born in Nam-hoi prefecture(now Liwan District, Guangzhou) in Guangdong of China. In 1872, twelve-years-old Jeme was chosen by the Qing imperial officials to be sent to the United States for education. Together with thirty children of similar age, Jeme arrived in Connecticut. After studying at a primary school in New Haven, he then entered a secondary school there, and in 1878, Jeme was admitted to Yale University. Jeme's major was Civil Engineering, with an emphasis in railroad construction. Jeme received his bachelor's degree in 1881, and he was considered lucky because only a few months after his graduation, the Qing government decided to recall all students studying in the United States. Among those who were sent abroad, only Jeme and another student were able to obtain their college degrees.
The statue of Jeme Tien Yow, in Zhangjiakou south railway station.
Jeme Tien Yow's former residence in Canton(Guangzhou)Life was not good for the students recalled to China. The Qing government officials found behaviors of the foreign educated students unorthodox, they also had no plan to put their acquired knowledge to good use. Most of the recalled students, including Jeme, were simply sent to the newly formed Imperial Navy to be re-trained as seamen. Jeme was sent to Fuchow in Fujian Province. A few years later, in 1884, the Imperial Navy in Fuchow was destroyed during the brief war with France. Jeme survived the war, and in 1888, he finally found his way to become a railroad engineer. Viceroy Li Hongzhang in Peking was constructing a railroad that would link Tientsin to the coal mines in Tangshan. A British engineer Claude W. Kinder was hired as the chief engineer of the railroad. Through connections with his old schoolmates working in Peking, Jeme joined Kinder as an intern engineer. Jeme was soon promoted to full engineer, and later district engineer. The railway that Jeme worked on was later extended to become the Peking Mukden Line. Jeme spent 12 years on various sections of this line before his next major assignment.
In 1902, Yuan Shikai decided to build a special line for Empress Dowager Cixi to visit the Royal ancestors' tomb. Kinder was the original candidate for the chief engineer position, however the French were unhappy that a British was assigned to the position. Eventually, Jeme got the assignment as the chief engineer of the 37km stub line. Jeme managed to construct the railroad within budget and a very tight schedule. The Empress was pleased and permission was given to construct more railroad in China.
In 1905, the Imperial Qing government decided to build a railroad that would link the capital of Peking to the important trade city of Kalgan to the north. This railway would be of strategic importance to the Imperial government. A decision was therefore made that the railway would be built without foreign assistance. Capital would come from the government, and no foreign engineers were to be hired. Jeme was once again appointed as Chief Engineer of the railway. At the beginning, some people were skeptical that the Qing government would be able to construct the railroad in the rugged mountains North of Peking all by itself. But Jeme showed he was an able engineer and completed the work two years ahead of schedule and under budget. He designed a zig zag upwards railway by switching back the line near the Qinglongqiao railway station to overcome the steep gradient. When excavating the Badaling railway tunnel, he employed the vertical shaft construction method to accelerate the construction. He was also said to be an advisor of the construction of the Kowloon-Canton Railway, for the Lo Wu Bridge built in 1906.
He was also the founding member of the China Institute of Engineers. Jeme was awarded an honorary doctorate degree by the University of Hong Kong in 1916. For his contributions to railroad engineering in China, Jeme was often called the Father of China's Railroad. Jeme died in Hankou in 1919 at the age of 58. He was buried at the Qinglongqiao railway station, where the Peking-Kalgan(Beijing-Zhangjiakou) railway crossed the Great Wall and the rugged mountains north of Beijing. A museum was also established nearby to commemorate the works of Jeme Tien Yow.
詹天佑(英文译名:Jeme Tien Yow[1],1861年4月26日-1919年4月24日),字眷诚,号达潮,安徽省徽州府婺源县人氏[2],寄籍广东省南海县,是中国首位铁路工程师,负责修建了京张铁路等工程,有“中国铁路之父”、“中国近代工程之父”之称。
詹天佑回国后被派送到福建马尾船政学堂学习驾驶,之后到福建水师旗舰“扬武”号任炮手,曾参加马尾海战。福建水师覆亡后,1885年调到广州黄埔水师学堂任教习,曾勘制广东沿海海图。1888年,转入由李鸿章、伍廷芳兴办的中国铁路公司,于英国工程师金达(Claude W. Kinder)之下任见习工程师并得到学以致用的机会。詹天佑最初参与兴建连接唐山至天津的唐津铁路中塘沽至天津段的津沽铁路铺轨,之后很快便得到金达的赏识,升任工程师和地区工程师。
詹天佑修建京张铁路期间,厘定了各种铁路工程标准,并上书政府要求全国采用。中国现在仍然使用的4尺8寸半标准轨、郑氏自动挂钩(Janney Coupler,亦称姜坭车钩、郑氏车钩,美国人Eli Janney所创,但常被误以为是詹天佑所发明而称为詹氏钩,其实只有些微修改而已)等等都是出自詹天佑的提议。此外詹天佑亦着重铁路人才的培训,制定了工程师升转章程,对工程人员的考核和要求作出明文规定,并且定明工程师薪酬与考核成绩挂钩。京张铁路堷训了不少中国的工程人员,詹天佑所制定的考核章程亦成为其他中国铁路的模仿对象。
1、考点1:考场名称:ITTS Macau(c/o CPTTM)托福考试中心考场编码:STN14337A
2、地址:Rua de Xangai no 175, Edf. ACM 7 Andar(nearby Ho Yin Garden) MACAU
3、澳门新口岸上海街175号中华总商会大厦 6楼 607室
4、考点2:考场名称:University of Macau澳门大学考场编码: STN10759B)
5、地址:English Language Centre 2111& 2113(E6) 2nd Floor of Central Teaching Avenida da Universidade(New Campus) TAIPA
6、英语语言中心中央教学楼东六座(Central Teaching Building E6)二楼E6-2111室及E6-2113室
7、考点3:考场名称:City University of Macau c/o Smart Education澳门城市大学
8、地址:4/F, Golden Dragon Centre Avenida Xian Xing Hai Ed. Golden Dragon Centre, 4° andar MACAU澳门新口岸冼星海大马路金荣中心4楼