一、澳门有名旅游景点介绍英文 澳大利亚景点英文介绍
综述:Macao is called"Australia", and the whole name is People's Republic of China Macao Special Administrative Region, located on the west side of the Pearl River Estuary in southern China.
It is the land and water interchange between the mainland of China and the Chinese mainland of the South China Sea, adjacent to Guangdong Province, 60 kilometers away from Hongkong and 145 kilometers from Guangzhou.
Macao is composed of Macao Peninsula and Taipa and Luhuan islands, with a land area of 32.9 square kilometers. By the end of 2020, the total population was 683200.
A-Ma Temple(Chinese:妈阁庙; Chinese:妈阁庙 Jyutping: Maa1 Gok3 Miu6; pinyin: Māgé Miào; Portuguese: Templo de A-Má), situated on the southwest tip of the Macau Peninsula, is one of the oldest and most famous Taoist temples in Macau. Built in 1488, the temple is dedicated to Matsu, the goddess of seafarers and fishermen.
The name Macau is thought to be derived from the name of the temple. It is said that when the Portuguese sailors landed at the coast just outside the temple and asked the name of the place, the natives replied"妈阁"(Jyutping:"Maa1 Gok3"). The Portuguese then named the peninsula"Macao".[1] The temple was well described in ancient Chinese texts, as well as represented in paintings. It is also one of the first scenes photographed in China.
In 2005, the temple became one of the designated sites of the Historic Centre of Macau enlisted on UNESCO World Heritage List.
澳门旅游景点英语表述(澳门旅游景点介绍描写英语 澳门十大景点英文)" title="澳门旅游景点英语表述(澳门旅游景点介绍描写英语 澳门十大景点英文)" >
Macao, a tiny place with a total land area of 23.8 square kilometers including a peninsular, and two islands, is a strange mixture of tranquility and motion.
Historical sites fill the region and make it a“sleepy land.” The Monte Fort lies in the center of the Macao peninsula, overlooking Macao and witnessing its development. it was built by the first Portuguese settlers, marking the region as the oldest European settlement in Asia.
A short distance down from the fort is the ruins of St Paul’s Cathedral. Some people say it is“the greatest Christian monument in the East although only a fa_ade and stone steps remain.” The marvelous carvings of significant Christian events on the fa_ade inspire veneration and awe. The cathedral was damaged in a fire in 1835 and was never reconstructed. This foreign-style architecture comes from the influence of centuries of rule by the Portuguese in Macao. But Macao’s blood ties with China can never be cut. The oriental style architecture reflects its blood its long Chinese tradition.
In the south of the Macao peninsula, there is a A-Ma Temple dedicated to the goddess A-Ma(Mother). A-Ma is a legendary figure protecting boat people from being killed during sea voyages. She is widely worshipped in South and East China. The temple is a typical Chinese building with eagle-like eaves and a tower behind it. It dates back to the 17th century and there is always activity around it with worshippers coming and going.
Some buildings in Macao have particular characteristics. The former Governor’s Residence has eye-catching pink exterior walls. Whatever the style of architecture, Western or oriental, the buildings stand side by side in the subtropical sun and contribute to the uniqueness of Macao—an interesting mix of Latin and Asian culture.
Macao is known for its nightlife. Gambling is the most exciting part of Macao. Thousands of visitors flow there every day to try their luck. The Lisboa Casino next to Lishoa Hotel is the largest and liveliest casino.
During the racing seasons, horse racing and dog racing thrill the spectators. Its horse racing has a long history, tracing back to the 18th century. The biggest event of the year is the Macao Grand Prix.
The great concept of“one country, two systems” proposed by the late leader Deng Xiaoping(1904-1997) is the sole correct guideline for solutions to the questions of Hong Kong and Macao, and Taiwan and hence for achieving the complete reunification of the motherland.
As Macao embraced the great motherland Macao has implemented the policies of“one country, two systems” and“Macao people administering Macao” and has enjoyed a high degree of autonomy. The Macao SAR is now directly under the authority of the central government and under the Basic Law of the Macao SAR, has been vested with executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication.
China has started exercising diplomacy in Macao after a lapse of 443 years. The Commission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Macao Special Administrative Region opened on December 20, 1999, hours after the Chinese flag was raised at in the garden of the newly built commission building. The building is across from the Forum, where the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region was inaugurated on December 20, 1999. The opening of the commission is an important system of China’s resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Macao. Portugal’s control over Macao for 443 years ended on December 20, 1999, Chinese garrison troops entered Macao at noon. The commission represents the Foreign Affairs Ministry in matters related to the central government. It is the institution that deals with the Macao Government. It is also the agency that processes applications from foreign countries and international organizations that would like to establish consulates or representative offices in Macao. Under the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the territory’s government has the authority to handle some of its external affairs.
Vehicles crossed a brand new bridge linking Macao the Zhuhai, a city in South China’s Guangdong Province on December 10, 1999. The 1,781-meter-long and 30-meter-wide bridge was named“Lotus” and put to use. It is the second passage connecting Macao with the inland China. Built at a cost of 200 million yuan(US$ 240,000), the project was jointly sponsored by Zhuhai and Macao and its construction began in June in 1998.
二、澳门旅游景点介绍描写英语 澳门十大景点英文
Macau may be firmly back in China’s orbit, but the Portuguese patina on this Sino-Lusitanian Las Vegas makes it a most unusual Asian destination. It has always been overshadowed by its glitzy near-neighbour Hong Kong- which is precisely why it’s so attractive.
Macau’s dual cultural heritage is a boon for travellers, who can take their pick from traditional Chinese temples, a spectacular ruined cathedral, pastel villas, old forts and islands that once harboured pirates. A slew of musuems will tell you how it all came about.
Macau(Macau) is a Special Administrative Region of The People's Republic of China, one of two located in the west of the Pearl River Delta in southeast China coast, by the Macao Peninsula, Taipa Island and Coloane and Cotai four parts, the total area of 29.2 square kilometers more than 50 million people lived, which makes Macau became the world's most densely populated areas. The north of Macao, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, Gongbei connection; West and belong to the Wan Chai and HENGQIN Zhuhai look right. The east with another Special Administrative Region- Hong Kong, 60 kilometers apart, separated by the middle of the Pearl River Mouth.
Since the 16th century, Macau was the Portuguese loan, it has also become the first European countries in East Asia, a territory. December 20, 1999, Portugal ended the rule of Macao, the transfer of The People's Republic of China. In the"two systems" policy, Macau enjoys"Macao people administering Macao" and a high degree of autonomy rights. In this 400-plus years, the Eastern and Western cultures coexist in harmony to make Macau into a unique city: the established tradition of antique temples, there are solemn church of God, there are numerous historical and cultural heritage, as well as along the beautiful scenic waterfront.
Macau is a"world's four major casino," one of the. His famous textiles, toys, tourism, hotels and casinos make Macau eternity. Therefore, Macau is also the world's most affluent cities.澳门(Macau)是中华人民共和国两个特别行政区之一,位于中国东南沿海的珠江三角洲西侧,由澳门半岛、_仔岛、路环岛和路_城四部分组成,在总面积共29.2平方公里生活了50余万人,这也使澳门成为全球人口密度最高的地区。澳门北与广东省的珠海市拱北连接;西与同属珠海市的湾仔和横琴对望。东面则与另一个特别行政区——香港相距60公里,中间以珠江口相隔。
Macau(traditional Chinese:澳门), also spelled Macao(/m__ka_/), is, along with Hong Kong, one of the two special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China. It lies on the western side of the Pearl River Delta, bordering Guangdong province to the north and facing the South China Sea to the east and south.
The territory's economy is heavily dependent on gambling and tourism but also includes manufacturing.
Macau was a Portuguese colony and both the first and last European colony in China.Portuguese traders first settled in Macau in the 16th century and subsequently administered the region until the handover on 20 December 1999. The Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration and the Basic Law of Macau stipulate that Macau operates with a high degree of autonomy until at least 2049, fifty years after the transfer.
Under the policy of"one country, two systems", the PRC's Central People's Government is responsible for the territory's defense and foreign affairs, while Macau maintains its own legal system, police force, monetary system, customs policy, and immigration policy. Macau participates in many international organizations and events that do not require members
三、澳门有什么旅游景点介绍 澳门主要旅游景点介绍
导语:每个旅游城市都有必去的经典景点,接下来就为大家介绍去澳门旅游必玩的10个景点。 NO.1大三巴牌坊大三巴牌坊是澳门最具代表性的名胜古迹,为1580年竣工的圣保禄大教堂的前壁,此教堂糅合了欧洲文艺复兴时期与东方建筑的风格而成,体现出东西艺术的交融。雕刻精细,巍峨壮观。澳门拥有众多西式的天主教堂,其中圣保罗教堂建造时代最久远、最著名,人们习惯称之为“大三巴”。圣保罗教堂建于1637年,是当时东方最大的天主教堂。该景点位于澳门大巴街附近的小山丘上,是圣保罗教堂的前壁遗迹,也是澳门的名胜。 NO.2渔人码头澳门渔人码头是中国澳门首个主题公园和仿欧美渔人码头的购物中心。澳门渔人码头建于外港新填海区海岸,邻近港澳码头。澳门渔人码头特色的设施充份体现美食、购物及娱乐三大概念。从地道小食到远至非洲特色食品,一应俱全,让您尽享令人垂涎的世界各地美食。 NO.3澳门旅游塔澳门旅游塔(观光塔门票购买),港澳地区习称为观光塔,是一座位于中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区的高塔。从地面到它的最高点,总高度为338米,1109英尺(56层),是世界高塔联盟的成员之一。位列全球十大观光塔之一的澳门观光塔上,乐趣多多。登上高速电梯,几分钟就能到达观光层。叫杯咖啡,透过明亮的玻璃窗,可俯瞰整个澳门和珠海,天气好的话,还能看到香港大屿山。 NO.4妈祖阁澳门妈阁庙为澳门最著名的名胜古迹之一,初建于明弘治元年(1488年),距今已有五百多年的历史。妈阁庙原称妈祖阁,俗称天后庙,位于澳门的西南方,枕山临海,倚崖而建,周围古木参天,风光绮丽。主要建筑有大殿、弘仁殿、观音阁等殿堂。庙内主要供奉道教女仙妈祖,又称“天后娘娘”、“天妃娘娘”,人称能预言吉凶,常于海上帮助商人和渔人化险为夷,消灾解难,于是福建人与当地人商议在现址立庙祀奉。相传天后乃福建莆田人,又名娘妈,能预言吉凶,死后常显灵海上,帮助商人及渔民消灾解难,化险为夷。 NO.5望海观音像望海观音宝像,总高度为40.88米,用120吨青铜铸成,外贴纯金180两,是目前箔金铜像的世界之最。观音像的莲花基座为一个佛教文化中心。它为一座直径长19.5米的半球体建筑,中心楼高两层,建筑面积约600平方米,采用地库设计,地下一层为图书馆,以卡通、连环画、音乐等多媒体形式,儒、释、道三大东方宗教信仰及文化,上层为一个陈列宗教物品的展览厅。 NO.6金莲花广场金莲花广场位于澳门新口岸高美士街、毕士达大马路及友谊大马路之间。为庆祝1999年澳门主权移交,中华人民共和国中央人民政府致送了一尊名为《盛世莲花》的`雕塑。大、小各一件,寓意澳门继续繁荣昌盛。“盛世莲花”主体部分由花茎、花瓣和花蕊组成,共16个造型,采用青铜铸造,表面贴金,重6.5吨;基座部分由23块红色花岗岩相叠组成。 NO.7大炮台大炮台位于澳门半岛中央柿山(又名炮台山)之巅,原为圣保罗教堂的祀天祭台,创建于1617年,至1626年建成,名为圣保禄炮台,澳门居民多称为“大炮台”。在近四百年的历史里,大炮台内部建筑曾多次改建。大炮台的大门朝南,早期入门口为火药储存库;上层的中央是一座三层高的塔楼(今已无存),每一层都装备火炮。 NO.8澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店“威尼斯人”(澳门威尼斯人琳琅套餐餐券购买)是由美国赌业巨头金沙集团投资24亿美元兴建,占地十一万平方米的会展场地。是全球第二大、亚洲最大的赌场度假村综合建筑。酒店以威尼斯水乡为主题,酒店范围内是充满威尼斯特色拱桥、小运河及石板路。由于澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店的概念是源于拉斯维加斯威尼斯人度假村酒店,因此一直被视为后者的复制版。 NO.9葡京酒店葡京酒店是位于澳门南湾友谊大马路西南端的一间赌场酒店,酒店正门向着嘉乐庇总督大桥(旧澳凼大桥)。澳门葡京酒店媲美欧美一流赌城酒店。它建筑风格独特,交通方便,吃喝乐,廿四小时不停。酒店直通葡京娱乐场、高尔夫娱乐城,巴黎疯狂艳舞团及18间著名食府入口。酒店坐落于市中心,距港澳码头只需5分钟,距澳门国际机场亦只需15分钟车程,交通方便,占尽地利。 NO.10新濠天地新濠天地是澳门新濠博亚娱乐有限公司的博彩旗舰计划,位处澳门路_城金光大道区域,毗邻澳门科技大学,项目第一期于2009年6月1日在澳门路_城开幕,内设娱乐设施、夜总会、酒店、餐厅、购物商场及娱乐场等多元化设施。天幕,是一个圆形剧场,是新濠天地的建筑地标。10分钟的精彩娱乐表演讲述了龙珠和它赐给五大龙王神秘力量的故事,这五大龙王分别带着观众们一起体验立体、奇幻的感官历程。