

韩国旅游A 2024-03-10 2
用英语介绍韩国景点,用英语介绍韩国景点怎么说摘要: 本文目录韩国首尔旅游景点英文介绍 韩国首尔的旅游景点请用英语描述一下韩国的景点韩国旅游景点英语介绍一、韩国首尔旅游景点英文介绍 韩国首尔的旅游景点...


  1. 韩国首尔旅游景点英文介绍 韩国首尔的旅游景点
  2. 请用英语描述一下韩国的景点
  3. 韩国旅游景点英语介绍

一、韩国首尔旅游景点英文介绍 韩国首尔的旅游景点


Located in the northwest part of the country, Seoul is bordered by eight mountains and the level plains of the Han River, which bisects the city. The climate is similar to the rest of the peninsula, with generally hot and humid summers, cold and dry winters and beautiful springs and summers.

Seoul has been the capital of Korea for over 600 years, when King Daejo moved the capital from Gaegyong to Hanseong(one of Seoul's many former names) at the end of the 14th Century. Like a phoenix, Seoul rose from the destruction of the Korean war in just four decades to become the international powerhouse it is now. The city occupies an area about 605 sq km(376 sq mi), about one third the size of Jeju island, but is the second most densely populated city in the world(just behind Tokyo).

The city itself has a population of over 10 million, one quarter of the country's population. The greater metropolitan area is home to almost 23 million residents, roughly half of South Korea's population. Its rapid growth was not only due to a population boom, but a huge migration from rural areas as the economy of the country shifted from farming to industrial.

Despite increased deterioration of traditional customs and lifestyles, Seoul continues to be a balance of the old and the new. Modern skyscrapers hover over the noisy traffic of the city, while traditional palaces and gardens provide peaceful escapes from urban life

On October 15, 1980 began to ordinary visitors nan shan tower observatory is to enjoy the night view of Seoul famous tourist attractions, known as the symbol of Seoul.Nan shan tower of the formal name for"N Seoul tower", usually known as Seoul tower or nan shan tower.Nanshan 236.7 meters high tower, stands the elevation 243 meters south hill.For more than 20 years, has been popular with the tourists.On December 9, 2005, decorate a new tower in Seoul"N Seoul tower" name to appear in front of the visitor.N N Seoul tower is nanshan(Namsan), the first letter and the meaning of a New(New).The total project cost of 15 billion won, the new installation is suitable for different seasons and different requirements of lighting equipment, redecorate the tower.7 PM to 12 PM every night, there are six searchlight spell flowers pattern in the sky, means"flower of Seoul.Seoul tower hall with movie trailers and music video multimedia area, children experience of learning space of the museum and exhibition and performance.5 layer n.G rill restaurant per 48 minutes turn 360 degrees, to provide customers with the taste and visual double enjoyment.In the toilet of layer 2 is known as the"sky" toilet, because the window between a hope can will view panoramic view of Seoul.In addition, N Seoul tower and other various facilities, is a veritable compound cultural space.

1980年10月15日开始对普通游客开放的南山塔观景台是欣赏首尔夜景的著名旅游景点,被称为首尔的象征。南山塔的正式名称为“N首尔塔”,通常俗称为首尔塔或南山塔。南山塔高236.7米,耸立于海拔243米的南山上。20多年来,一直受到各方游客的喜爱。2005年12月9日,装饰一新的首尔塔以“N首尔塔”的名称重新出现在游客面前。 N首尔塔的N既是南山(Namsan)的第一个字母,又有全新(New)的含义。工程共耗资150亿韩元,新安装了适用于不同季节和不同活动要求的照明设备,重新装饰了塔身。每晚7点至12点,还有6支探照灯在天空中拼出鲜花盛开的图案,意为“首尔之花”。首尔塔大厅内设有播放电影预告片和音乐录影带的多媒体区、儿童体验学习馆及举办展览和演出的空间。5层的n.Grill西餐厅每48分钟转动360度,为顾客提供了味觉和视觉的双倍享受。而设在2层的卫生间被称为“天空卫生间”,因为隔窗一望便能将首尔的景色尽收眼底。除此以外,N首尔塔还有其它多种设施,是一个名符其实的复合性文化空间。

Seoul Tower is located in Nanshan, Longshan District, Seoul special city, South Korea. It was formerly known as Seoul Tower or Seoul Tower. It is 236.7 meters high. It was built in 1975. It is a famous tourist spot in South Korea.

Seoul Tower is not only the first letter of Nanshan, but also has a new meaning. The project cost 15 billion won, newly installed lighting equipment suitable for different seasons and different activity requirements, and whitewashed the tower body. From 7:00 to 12:00 every night, six searchlights spell the pattern of flowers in full bloom-"the flower of Seoul" in the sky.





Namsan southcentral首尔jung-gu区,现在通常被称为Namsan。它提供了一些徒步旅行、娱乐和视图的首尔市中心的轮廓。N首尔塔是王河Namsan之上。





景福宫(汉字:景福宫;谚文:___;英语:Gyeongbokgung Palace),是朝鲜半岛历史上最后一个统一王朝——朝鲜王朝(李氏朝鲜)的正宫(法宫)。位于朝鲜王朝国都汉城(今韩国首尔),又因位于城北部,故又称“北阙”,是首尔五大宫之首,朝鲜王朝前期的政治中心。

昌德宫(韩语:___,英语:Changdeokgung Palace)因位于韩国汉城(今首尔)东部,故又称东阙,也是首尔五大宫之一,朝鲜太宗于明永乐三年(1405年)继景福宫之后建立而成。昌德宫原是朝鲜国王的离宫,朝鲜王朝后期则代替景福宫长期作为正宫使用。



昌庆宫(韩语:___;英语:Changgyeonggung Palace),因位于韩国首尔(旧称汉城)东部,故又称东阙,也是首尔五大宫之一,于朝鲜王朝永乐十六年(1418年)继昌德宫之后建立而成,是朝鲜王朝的离宫之一。


德寿宫(韩语:___;英文: Deoksugung Palace)_词浅食勺冢1469-1494)的哥哥月山大君(1454-1488)的住宅。光海君(1575-1641)即位后将其改称为景云宫,从而使之具有了王宫的面貌。后来又改称为德寿宫。韩国木浦市景点














South Korean capital city Seoul, not only Korea political, economic, cultural and educational center, but also the national by land, sea and air transport hub. Seoul is the world's 10th largest city, This city with wonderful way to blend the ancient and modern culture. Spirited crowd, the stunning natural landscape, long history and culture. Seoul everywhere have exciting scene, whether it is elegant and splendid palace ruins, still immersed in the embrace of nature, the whole journey will leave visitors a vivid impression and novel experience.


Lotte World is an entertainment in downtown, it have thrilling entertainment facilities, ice-skating rink, a variety of performances, folk museum, in addition you can also take a walk along the lake. Of visitors come here each year up to more than 600 million people, including foreign tourists accounted for 10%. Originality of natural sunlight, making it can receive the traveller every day.韩国济州景点


Cheong Wa Dae is a South Korean presidential office, located in the northern part of western Seoul, South Korea's political center. The most notable characteristic of Cheong Wa Dae is the Celadon.All buildings are built in accordance with the traditional Korean architecture. The right side of the main building is the place where President met with reporters. The left side of the main building is used to receiving foreign dignitaries.


Everland is a Theme parks in the outskirts of Seoul. Everland is made of Festival World, Caribbean Bay and Speedway three parts. The Festival World have more than 40 kinds of recreational facilities and a comprehensive wildlife park, As different seasonal Festival World will conduct a series of celebration activities.And Caribbean Bay is an exotic waterpark..


Myeongdong is located in central Seoul, are Korea representative of the shopping street, it’s not only a simple shopping street, while banks and securities companies gathered in this. In Myeongdong, there also have many delicious food and fun things. Myeong-dong's most famous food is fried pork chop and sliced noodles. In addition, Myeong-dong have many beauty shops, theaters and other facilities for visitors. And the place you must visit is the Myeongdong church. Here is the first Catholic church in South Korea.


N Seoul Tower in Seoul, Nanshan, 236.7 meters high, was built in 1975, It’s a famous tourist spot where the best attractions to enjoy the night view of Seoul an is also a symbol of Seoul. From 7:00 to 12:00, there are six searchlights in the sky spell out the pattern of flowers in full bloom. And the famous Teddy's home is also located in the Nanshan, next to Seoul Tower.

Korea on the Korean Peninsula geographically occupy very important position. Northwest and China next, each with Japan across. 1960s economic growth policies created Korea,"Han miracle" that the alarming economic development. China and South Korea established diplomatic relations in 1992, after growing economic and trade relations and commercial activities, following the United States after China became Korea's second largest investment destination. Now, only one in Shanghai, there are two long live the Korean 30,000 people, and between Korea and Shanghai Commercial activities in the Korean was up 50,000. Korean language has rapidly grown into a popular Hushang people keen to learn foreign languages, and is expected to replace the Japanese in the 21st century become the most competitive two foreign languages.




作者:韩国旅游A本文地址:http://www.66weiyou.com/hanguo/post/20256.html发布于 2024-03-10
