日本人的音译英文名字在日文中, yukio这个名字有"雪夫"跟"雪雄"两种写法,意思都是"雪样的男子(snow-man)""夫"和"雄"是经常用在男孩名字里的后缀
英 ['təukjəu]美 ['tokjo]
Tokyo Dome东京巨蛋;东京巨蛋体育馆;东京;东京圆顶
Tokyo University日本东京大学;东京大学;日本;东洋东京大学
Tokyo Babylon东京巴比伦;开玩笑的;东京·巴比伦
Tokyo Monorail东京单轨电车;单轨电车;东京单轨铁路;单轨列车
TOKYO PACK东京国际包装展;包装展
TOKYO Web东京新闻;神奈川;放送芸能
Tokyo is a human beehive of a city.东京是个像蜂窝般人囗集中而热闹的都市。
She dropped me off downtown in Tokyo.她在东京同我分手了。
This complex web of social rules and traditions can be overwhelming for those traveling to Japan, so we compiled a list of some of the things foreigners find most shocking when visiting the country.
[oriental cherry;cherry blossom]李属(Prunus)的几种灌木或乔木,花白色或粉红色,栽培供观赏,原产日本
sakura; oriental cherry:日本樱花 Japanese(flowering) cherry◇樱花树 flowering cherry
立命馆大学立命馆大学校徽立命馆大学(りつめかんだいがく、英称:Ritsumeikan University)大学本部位于京都市中京区西ノ京朱雀町1的日本私立大学。1922年成立。立命馆大学一般被简称为“立命大”、“立命”,在关西地区也常被简称为“立大”,近年则开始使用“Rits”这种以英语简称的称呼。有时也简称为"RU"。立命馆大学的前身是日本近代史上著名的政治家和国际派代表人物西园寺公望于1869年在京都皇宫所创立的私塾「立命馆」。1913年改名为私立立命馆大学,1922年正式更名为立命馆大学。「立命」这一名称取自中国古典《孟子.尽心章》中的“妖寿不贰,修身以俟之,所以立命也”句(大意为:作为人,有的早年夭折,有的健康长寿,这都是由天命来决定的。所以要在活着的时候努力修身养性、勤奋学习以待天命,尽到做人的本分)。所谓「立命馆」,就是指达到这种安身立命的目标的地方。立命馆大学以“自由与清新”为建学精神,以“和平与民主主义”为建学理念。立命馆大学一直注重与中国保持亲密、友好的关系。现在,共与中国的53所大学和机构签订了交流协定,开展各项学术交流活动。其中包括交换学生、教师交流、学术与文化交流、共同研究项目等。同时,现有800余名中国留学生在立命馆学习。2002年12月,立命馆在上海成立了「立命馆驻上海交通大学联络处」。从2004年起,作为中国内陆地区人才培养计划的一环,立命馆大学开设了「中国大学经营管理干部特别进修班」。以上这些措施的实施,极大地拓宽了学园与中国在教育研究等领域的合作渠道。中国政府为了普及汉语以及中国语言文化,在世界各地与当地的大学等机构协作起来开设孔子学院,2005年成立了「立命馆孔子学院」。
学校法人「立命馆」不仅拥有「立命馆亚洲太平洋大学」,而且拥有日本著名私立大学「立命馆大学」和3所完全中学,整个学园学生人数超过44,000人,是日本第3大学园。 APU位于日本九州的大分县别府市,别府市是日本著名温泉旅游胜地,每年这里要接待来自世界各地的观光客达1200万人,旅游观光业是该城市的支柱产业。APU近瞰别府湾,远眺四国岛,背靠鹤见山由布岳,毗邻日本国立阿苏公园,倚山傍海风景秀丽。 APU拥有亚太学院和亚太经营管理学院,开设有「社会文化比较」.「国际政治」.「环境资源政策」.「可持续发展」.「市场营销与企业战略」.「国际商务与比较经营」.「会计与金融」.「新兴商务与改革创新」等方面的专业。
经过APU上下不懈的努力,其崭新的教育模式已经得到社会各界的认可和良好评价。在日本朝日新闻出版社出版的2006年版726所日本大学排名一书中,APU被日本各大学校长公推为教育领域排名第7位,研究领域排名第28位,就业指导排名第22位。最近3年的留学生在日就业率分别为100%(2003年度)、99.2%(2004年度)、98.9%(2005年度)。现在, APU校园已经有来自75个国家和地区的4936名学生在校学习,教授来自世界上20多个国家和地区,部分外籍教授曾经工作于联合国,著名跨国公司和银行金融界,具备丰富的实务经验和社会背景,师从这些教授可以使自己学到的东西更贴近实际。APU校园是国际社会的缩影,文化背景各异的APU师生,通过课堂讨论,共同生活,共同参加团体活动,加深了对相互间文化的理解,增强了社交能力,遍织了全球范围的人际关系网络。只要英日两种语言的一种能够达到APU的要求就可以入学。入学后,学生在用报考基准语言学习专业课程的同时,必须学习另外一种语言,经过4年的学习后,学生可以熟练使用英日双语并掌握一门专业知识。 APU为留学生设有奖学金制度,入学前有学费减免30%,50%,65%,80%,100%的5个等级奖学金。奖学金的评定结果通知书与录取通知书同时发给学生,打破其他大学入学后申请奖学金的常规,学生可以根据奖学金的评定结果结合自己的家庭情况,自由选择是否来日留学。入学后,成绩优秀者可以继续申请其他奖学金。为了使学生能够安心读书,APU建造了日本大学中规模最大的留学生宿舍,两栋建筑有1310间单人房,房间内带有卫生间,电话,冰箱和空调等生活必需设备,每一层楼有公用厨房,会客厅,学习室,洗衣房和淋浴室,因特网24小时开放。包括水电光热每月房租3.9万日元。位于九洲大分县的日本立命馆大学( )始建于1869年,曾称为立命馆私塾,后改为私立京都政法学校,后发展为立命馆大学.百年来,该校长期与美国大学合作,并效仿美国模式实行"政府,企业,学校"三结合的办学方针,联合日本国内外上百个组织重建该大学,并决定从2000年4月底正式更名为日本立命馆亚洲太平洋大学.日,美教授专家认为,一百年之经验证明:人类在二十一世纪将是一个以强大政治,经济,文化,科技等等专业为后盾,集中使用几种特定语大语种的时代.英语将继续作为该校的使用语言,一切课程将用英语授课.该校这样的决定是对语言政治学研究的结果.该校2000年拟招收新生一千名,并以推荐方式招收500名为外国学生.日方希望我校推荐日语或英语水平高的优秀生赴该校学习,并盼通过招收不同国家的学生,达到以不同价值观之碰撞与溶合,创造新价值,促进新交流.为达到此目的,该校建立了庞大的国际顾问委员会,人数达210名,现任加拿大总理吉恩,克雷蒂安(Jean Chretien)为其名誉顾问,并聘用众多的英语国家大学教授任客座教授,同时与著名的韩国基督教女子大学求求梨花大学,印度德里大学等大学与机构合作,开展教学与研究.鉴於亚太大学以"国际化","信息化"和"对外开放"作为该校的教育方针,亚太大学决定在亚太地区构筑广泛的网络,并以法政工商各科为主.它希望成为亚洲之楷模.注:"立命馆"名称之由来求求"立命"二字出自中国古代圣杰孟子的《尽心章》:"夭寿不二,修身以俟之,所以立命也."意思是说,人的寿命有长有短,取决于天命.我们在有生之年,就必须努力修养学习,等待天命之来临."立命馆"三字就是指:这里是人们完成学习使命之场所.(摘自"亚太大学"1998年3月《通讯手册》).本校访问团,在 11/7早上到达该校,对方接待的层及目前本校已经有一位同学(萧组荫, 91年9月入学)在立命馆就读,念的是 International technology and management,这个学程所收的学生以海外学生为主,并且是以英文上课,这是台湾所没有的.当我们在讨论日本人的英文较差的当时,他们有这样的眼光,实在是我们所应该要学习的.立命馆大学日本私立大学中算一流的,排名私立第10名而立命馆亚洲太平洋大学就很差了,根本排不上流。。。日本著名女歌手仓木麻衣也是立命馆大学的毕业生(2001年4月入学,2005年3月毕业)产业社会学部产业社会学科。
①凤凰(ほうおう) ho u o u从中文来的
②不死鸟(ふしちょう)fu shi cho u从中文来的
二、英文介绍的日本旅游景点 日本著名景点英文介绍
Mount Fuji is Japan's tallest peak is a symbol of the Japanese nation, the Japanese people as the"sacred mountain."
Mount Fuji is located in south central Honshu, about 80 km west of Tokyo, with an area of 90.76 square kilometers. 3,776 meters above sea level, towering peaks, snow snow mountains.
Hill and roughly conical shape, the fan like a vacant savings, the Japanese poet has used the"overhang East Yushan days.""Fuji snow reflects the sun," a poem praising it.
Around 100 km in less than Fuji, people can see Mt beautiful conical outline.
Since the altitude of 2,300 meters to the Peak area, are volcanic lava, volcanic sand covered.
Therefore, in this area, neither bush nor springs Mountaineering Road is not obvious that only a winding gravel trail.
At an altitude of 2,000 meters to the foot area, a large lake, waterfalls, jungle, very beautiful scenery.
Have been documented since the year 1781, Fuji has erupted over 18 times, the last time was in 1707. Since then become dormant volcanoes.
Due to the mouth of the volcano's eruption, the mountain formed and numerous caves, wonderful, very charming.
Some of the caves are still jet, the other Cold-Hearted.
Wind Cave Tomioka beautiful full unity on the wall like icicle stalactites to be found, all year round, is called the"perennial snow." be regarded as a rare spectacle, the size of a volcanic peak.
Fire Yamaguchi, a diameter of about 800 meters, 200 meters deep.
The weather was fine, we can see the sunrise from the top, clouds, Fujitsu and other natural scenery impact.
Located on the top of the Temple-long sushi shrine, the shrine is Asama regular visitors to these areas.
Mount Fuji, cherry blooming in the Spring Festival, the summer mountain breeze blowing, Hongye filled autumn, winter snow snow.
Up to more than 2,000 different species of plants around the hill, a natural botanical garden.
JULY AND AUGUST year, Japanese climbers here to compete.
Mt Fuji a northern foothills lakes, the mountains from east to west to Lake Kawaguchi, the West Lake, Lake sophistication and wood-inhabiting Lake the largest lake in the mountains, with an area of 6.75 square kilometers, southeast of Lake patient Nomura, access mirror pools eight ponds. Said"in Japan eight sea," Yamanaka-ko and the same.
West Lake shore Hongye Taiwan Strait Aoki original tree, Nakisawa ice caves adequate and Tianshan and other scenic areas.
Kawaguchi most convenient transport in lakes, the lake is the island, the island is only five lake lake, the lake reflects the reflection of Mt. was considered as Mt wonders of the world.
Fuji stands tall in the central and southern Honshu(Fujisan) is the highest mountain in Japan, with an elevation of 3,776 meters peaks in the clouds, the mountains or snow snow.
Mt by the Japanese people as"sacred mountain" is the symbol of the Japanese nation. It is about 80 kilometers west of Tokyo, Shizuoka across, Yamanashi counties, with an area of 90.76 square kilometers. And roughly conical shape the entire mountain with their source, the fan is like a vacant savings, the Japanese poet has used the"overhang East Yushan days","Fuji snow reflects the sun," a poem praising it. Mt surrounded Jianfeng, white mountains and long sushi Yue, Dainichigatake, Izu-yueh, achievements Yue, Mitake Komagatake and other"Fuji 8 summit."
Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano. Rumor is formed by earthquakes in 2500 286 years. Since the year 1781, there are written records, a total of 18 meetings eruption, the last time in 1707, and later became dormant volcanoes. Due to the mouth of the volcano's eruption, in the foothills of Mount Fuji to create the numerous mountain caves there are still some jet phenomenon. Wind Cave Tomioka beautiful full unity on the wall like icicle stalactites to be found, all year round, as a rare spectacle. Peak size of a volcanic fire Pass, about 800 meters in diameter and 200 meters deep. The weather was fine, in the Peak watching the sunrise and watch clouds Japanese tourists to the rest of the world is indispensable to visit projects.
Mt Fuji is the northern foothills and lakes. From east to west of the mountain lakes, sights, the West Lake, it is necessary to lakes and the amphibious Lake. Yamanaka-ko largest area of 6.75 square kilometers. Lake has many sports facilities, tennis and water-skiing, fishing, camping and other human-powered boats. Nomura patient southeast of the lake, Chung Chi, mirror pool eight ponds, collectively known as"forbearance eight wild sea," Yamanaka-ko and the same. Kawaguchi is the first development of the five lakes, the traffic is here to facilitate tourism, the center has become lakes. Pelican island in the middle of the lake, the lake is only five islands. An island with a special blessing pregnant production shrine. There are over 1,260 meters across the lake in the Lake Bridge. Kawaguchi, as reflected by the reflection of Mount Fuji, known as the Mt wonders of the world.
West Lake, also known as the west, is the most quiet of a lake, the five lakes. Reportedly, Xihu Lake was connected with the launch, which is divided into two after the eruption of Mt lake, but both are still linked to the lakebed. Taiwan shore Hongye, Aoki original tree sea ice Nakisawa points and feet Wadayama and other scenic areas. Fujitsu sophistication Lake is the smallest among the five lakes lake, but its most unique style, the banks have many tall cliffs and the terrain complicated. Resting most of the water, the depths of 126 meters. Lake ice all year round, is dark blue, the look is so unpredictable and ever-mysterious.
Mount Fuji is a substantial body of water in the highlands of the south, green grass and pastures for cattle and sheep flocks of tourists. Hill south of the West famous waterfall between the white and sounded only waterfalls. The 26-meter gap between white waterfall, a dozen of the small streams into rock faces, like countless Bailian defense heavens, forming a 130-meter wide of the rain, which is quite spectacular. Sounded just like a waterfall shock wave from height columns, as thunderous sound, the vibrations of the initiative. Mt say it is a natural botanical garden, as many as 2,000 species of plants of the mountains.
Susono in Shizuoka Prefecture city of Fuji foothills, either included Fuji safari park, with an area of 740,000 square meters, with 40 1,000 multi-feed wild animals, the Lions reached only 30 multiple. Visitors can drive a car, watch the restocking of animals in the park.
In addition, the area also have illusions travel Fuji Museum, the Museum of insects, and natural sciences department, and the fantasy of the museum, Fuji Museum, the Science Museum large, gardens and bird park, a pet monkeys parks and sports and entertainment venues and so on.
Temple is located at the top of the long sushi shrine-- and Asama shrine Fuji Hakone Izu National Park, the main scenic spots, as well as regular visitors to the land. Peak to the shrine every summer thousands of tourists both domestic and foreign tourists.
The first amusement park in Asia, Tokyo Disneyland is the world's largest existing five blocks of a Disney park. Five consecutive years from 1994 to 1999 the number of visitors more than Disneyland in the United States.
There are two main reasons: its successful experience First,"everything is dynamic." Tokyo Disneyland theme park: Victoria Dynasty five times the world market style streetscape, a sense of adventure and legendary adventure theme park and the development of the West's Western Paradise, dreams and fairy tale dream land, the future, science parks and the future of the universe. A total of five major theme park 35 brilliant performances, is the common feature of all the activities are, the game. Strange, new and thrilling, intense scenes and figures tourists will forget reality into another world. So that it will become possible, the Japanese developed their own"electronic sound devices action." In such a device driven, in 2000 the total number of park over the figures and animals each room, reaching into adults to the extent that they are as people.
Second,"do not always build the Disney theme park." From opening to now, Tokyo Disneyland constantly added to the introduction of a new playground equipment and services and the way to attract tourists and visitors come off the business strategy afresh. The Paradise original investment of 1,500 billion yen(about one billion U.S. dollars). 18 years, the theme park to build a super audio equipment and 35 playgrounds they have invested 120 billion yen. It is understood that within the next five years to build new projects, the Paradise prepared to invest 65 billion yen. This will enable visitors are always new fun and a new experience, the Disney theme park is maintained so great charm.
Nagoya is a symbol of Nagoya Castle, Nagoya, the first
富士山(日文:ふじさん,英文:Mount Fuji)是日本国内最高峰,日本重要国家象征之一,在全球亦享有盛誉。横跨静冈县和山梨县的活火山,接近太平洋岸,东京西南方约80公里。